Support groups in London

Hi all, this is my first post!

I'm an adult who was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome a few months ago. This has been a relief, as suddenly, a lot of things that happened to me in the past made way more sense.

I wanted to ask the community if anyone knows of a support group specifically for in London, where you can meet other Asperger's people in person and discuss related topics.

I did try to contact a few associations I found through this site, but with limited success... Does anyone have any advice?


  • Hello there and welcome to the community Hugging

    Yes! You may be interested in contacting a local National Autistic Society branch. Our branches offer support to local autistic people and their families. If you interesting in checking if there is a local branch near to you, please follow the link below:

    Our branches are volunteer-led, and as such every branch and group is different. Some are parent support groups, some provide support and information to autistic adults, while others have office premises and run their own a drop-in service. You will need to check with a branch directly for more information on whether they are able to provide a particular service that you are interested in.



  • Hello there and welcome to the community Hugging

    Yes! You may be interested in contacting a local National Autistic Society branch. Our branches offer support to local autistic people and their families. If you interesting in checking if there is a local branch near to you, please follow the link below:

    Our branches are volunteer-led, and as such every branch and group is different. Some are parent support groups, some provide support and information to autistic adults, while others have office premises and run their own a drop-in service. You will need to check with a branch directly for more information on whether they are able to provide a particular service that you are interested in.


