GABA Euphoria Happiness

Thanks to ‘Kvothe’ he helped me realise what’s missing - happiness! Autistic people are missing happiness. Why? Low GABA. I have been missing happiness all my life not because of other people but because of my low GABA. Why? Because I have low B6 levels! Why? Because my mum was an alcoholic. Why? Low B6. Why? Her parents were alcoholics! It all makes sense now. Man I have been taking these B6 tablets for like 3-4 weeks now. It’s crazy how good this stuff is for me. I will keep taking these and see what happens. Man I don’t even think about wanting alcohol on these. Damn I didn’t know it was possible to feel this good. What’s next in life now? 

  • I take Holland and Barrett’s B6 100mg tablets.

    Whilst that all sounds great, I suggest checking with your GP about taking this supplement, as it can cause detrimental side effects depending on factors including dose, duration of use, and other medications that people might be taking.

    As you know, we can't give medical advice here, so I'll just reference some related resources:

    The UK's Department of Health and Social Care advises: "Do not take more than 10mg of vitamin B6 a day in supplements unless advised to by a doctor".

    The same NHS resource also specifies that:

    "The amount of vitamin B6 adults (aged 19 to 64) need is about:

    1.4mg a day for men
    1.2mg a day for women
    You should be able to get all the vitamin B6 you need from your daily diet.

    The bacteria that live naturally in your bowel are also able to make vitamin B6."

    NHS - B Vitamins and Folic Acid - Vitamins and Minerals

    In 2023, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) specified a daily tolerable upper intake level (UL) of 12mg for adults:

    efsa - Scientific opinion on the tolerable upper intake level for vitamin B6

  • I take Holland and Barrett’s B6 100mg tablets.

    Whilst that all sounds great, I suggest checking with your GP about taking this supplement, as it can cause detrimental side effects depending on factors including dose, duration of use, and other medications that people might be taking.

    As you know, we can't give medical advice here, so I'll just reference some related resources:

    The UK's Department of Health and Social Care advises: "Do not take more than 10mg of vitamin B6 a day in supplements unless advised to by a doctor".

    The same NHS resource also specifies that:

    "The amount of vitamin B6 adults (aged 19 to 64) need is about:

    1.4mg a day for men
    1.2mg a day for women
    You should be able to get all the vitamin B6 you need from your daily diet.

    The bacteria that live naturally in your bowel are also able to make vitamin B6."

    NHS - B Vitamins and Folic Acid - Vitamins and Minerals

    In 2023, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) specified a daily tolerable upper intake level (UL) of 12mg for adults:

    efsa - Scientific opinion on the tolerable upper intake level for vitamin B6

  • Yeh good point bunny. Luckily I know what I am doing with dosing and stuff. I am not worried about the possible consequences as I have been taking this vitamin for years and not suffered any ill effects. But thanks for the heads up. 

  • Thanks for that post, some useful information there.

    Vitamins (and some drugs for that matter) seem a bit like money. You need just enough. If you have built up a deficiency you might need more than enough for a short while, then a much lower sustaining dose. 

    And peoples body chemistry and processing abilty seems to vary quite a lot, so the recommended dose is always a "best guess", and to get the right dose for the "dosee", some testing and evaluation is always required, as well as authoritative guidance.