Constant job rejections... starting to feel like giving up

Hello all. Wave

Like a few of you on here, I am unemployed and I really want a job. I am constantly applying for roles which I know I am qualified for. I am also applying for roles which state "No experience required". I always tailor my CV to each role I apply for and add necessary skills that are mentioned in the job description. I recently had a work coach go through my CV with me and he is happy with it, so I don't think there's any problems there. I have done various courses over the years as well as voluntary work and agency work. But despite all this, I am forever getting the all too familiar "Unfortunately, you were unsuccessful on this occasion and we won't be taking your application any further" email. It feels like nobody wants to give me a chance and I won't have a job ever again.

  • Hey, just the fact that you're applying for jobs is already a wonderful thing. I've never had one myself. Well, other than a paper route when I was 15. I'm trying to think of something that's within my ability to do and so far I haven't come up with anything. But humanity is built on persistence and the only way you'll succeed is if you keep going for it. And in the meantime, you could always work on improving your skillset to add more things to your CV. So long as you keep on trying, you keep the possibility of getting what you want alive. And whenever you feel down, this is a good place to come to.

  • Hey, just the fact that you're applying for jobs is already a wonderful thing. I've never had one myself. Well, other than a paper route when I was 15. I'm trying to think of something that's within my ability to do and so far I haven't come up with anything. But humanity is built on persistence and the only way you'll succeed is if you keep going for it. And in the meantime, you could always work on improving your skillset to add more things to your CV. So long as you keep on trying, you keep the possibility of getting what you want alive. And whenever you feel down, this is a good place to come to.
