Social Services misinterpretation

Hey folks,

I'm a 52 year old chap who has successfully navigated life without a formal ASD diagnosis. I recently had to deal with Social Workers and became very confused when they started accusing me of being 'manipulative and controlling' towards them. Having recently lost my wife my two teenage chdren and I have been seeing a therapist who suggested that it was probably my ASD behaviours being misinterpreted. 

Having done some googl'ing I can see how a need for detail and clarity could be misinterpreted so I mentioned this to the social workers.

The social workers refused to accept this idea, demanding a formal diagnosis. Having got the diagnosis they now insist on me providing the research to show the link between ASD and THEM feeling controlled!??! I'm not a specialist or a researcher... has anyone been able to navigate a situation like this???

I'm worried that this could rapidly get out of control and suggestions made that I am 'manipulative and controlling' towards my children!

Any advice will be gratefully received. 



  • It's possible these social workers have decided for themselves what the situation is. In which case, maybe you can look into being assigned to new ones. Demanding research papers to prove your behaviours aren't ill intended sounds like a very adverserial relationship and not one that has your best interests in mind.

  • This is, unfortunately, the second set of Social Workers. Each briefs the prior on their interpretation of the situation. 

    I've commissioned a separate, independent report. This states that the SWs have misinterpreted my behaviour. It's this report that SS has requested 'the research this conclusion is based upon.'

  • Your independent expert should be able to provide whatever background information they need - it is not up to you. Tell them to ask the expert who wrote the report...

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