Relationships, communication, mental health


I'm worried bout my partner.
It's been bad in our relationship. Communication is very triggering, we both get triggered feel unheard and stressed.

I've been very low for months. I hit the rock bottom and I was contemplating suicide. I have gone through the health and social care routes that only offered waiting lists or pills.
Recently I had an attempt but couldn't go with it. I got rid of everything I prepared and long story short I am turning this around by myself. (Not completely - I reached out to people in my life and made point of renewing connections)
I was applying some self help techniques and generally putting myself first and looking after myself.
I feel better, I am happier.
Interactions with partner still cost me a lot. When I'm able to I do try to listen to him. I still care, but it takes so much. I don't feel heard, it doesn't seem like he wants to listen to me when I have something to bring up. He keeps saying how stressed he is by everything. To the point that I don't think there is a safe subject. Every conversation can end horribly wrong despite my best efforts to try be understanding and manage my emotions (I do get triggered. I do my best but I'm human and can't just switch it off)

Long story short. I feel better and just do me. I avoid spending time with him. I talk to people whom I get pleasant interactions with and from whom I feel that they care about me.
I can only care for him if I have any capacity left, because I put myself first out of necessity.

He is feeling worse, he is in physical pain exacerbated by stress, he seems to be suffering more and more.
I still care about his wellbeing, but there is nothing I can do. If I try my attempts end up being often wrong anyway.

I really don't know what to do.
I can't help, and I can't continue living like this. I'm contemplating moving out, but I feel that he will fall apart completely then. Or at least end up in financial trouble.

I'm not sure if there is anything left to rebuild. I wish there was a way. I want to talk about it, find some way that might work. He gets upset just at the idea of talking.

It does look like an unsolvable situation.
I guess I'd just like to offer him something that can help him feel better. Something he can do, because I don't think I can anymore.

It's very hard to see him suffer and to feel so helpless. Even more so that I also feel he blames his stress partially on me and relationship.

  • Maybe if talking isn't working right now the two of you could agree that you'll find ways to show love to each other without words. That might be as simple as making the other one a cup of tea if they are in the dumps. A relaxing massage if they had a hard day, or maybe a sexy massage if that works for them. Self care is a lot easier when someone else is helping to make it happen. Be honest if you are finding it hard but don't assume that's always a cue to talk about it. maybe that the cue to do something 'selfcareish' for the other person.

  • Maybe if talking isn't working right now the two of you could agree that you'll find ways to show love to each other without words. That might be as simple as making the other one a cup of tea if they are in the dumps. A relaxing massage if they had a hard day, or maybe a sexy massage if that works for them. Self care is a lot easier when someone else is helping to make it happen. Be honest if you are finding it hard but don't assume that's always a cue to talk about it. maybe that the cue to do something 'selfcareish' for the other person.

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