Getting housed with Autism

Hey, new here.

I'm 28, Lived with my parents for all my life, I've always known I've had Autism and after a suicide attempt a few days ago, one of many. (and a bunch of reckless behaviour like drug taking and spending) I was told by a mental health Dr. that they're 99 percent certain, I just need a diagnoses, now just for the sake of it, let's just assume I'm already diagnosed. 

Living in this house has become hell, my sister completely denies my Autism, belittles me and calls me lazy. The chores I get told to do completely trigger my autism, e.g. washing dishes, cleaning, going to the shop, (a LOT of sensory overload) my dad is disabled so he can't cope. But he's also a loud person along with my sister, they communicate by yelling from the top/bottom of the stairs to each other like every 30 minutes....  anyway I DO do them, but afterwards, i'm burnt out, I cant bring myself to clean my own room, bathe, look after myself, i know it all seems really pathetic... maybe i am.. but I've tried working a job, the anxiety is so bad, I'm always told i'm too slow because I like to make sure everything is PERFECT, and I get bullied because i don't fit it with anyone...

anyway, long story short, my dad has dementia, mum left when i was 16, my auntie who was a mother replacement is now dying from cancer... it's all so triggering... all too overwhelming. 

anyway, to the actual point. 

My auntie said that due to my autism, anxiety and depression a place to live on my own is exactly what i need, and she's completely right, in this house i'm always looking after dad or cleaning up after other people or getting yelled at by my sister because she doesn't understand, and after i'm too spent to take care of myself, so i just smoke weed, self harm or abuse pills.

My auntie said that I really should be on PIP and have my own place, where i can do my routines, and take care of just ME. 

She said that the mental health team or something like that can organise/fast track accommodation for people like me?

is that true? is there hope that I can be at peace soon? well... anyone with experience, please let me know... im just running out of hope.

  • Welcome to the forum and sorry to hear you're having such a difficult time. Please be reassured that you are welcome here without a formal diagnosis - some of us on here (including me) are self diagnosed.

    There is an article in this website offering guidance on benefits:

    If you can get PIP, you may be able to rent in sheltered accommodation - your local council will be able to advise on this. Also speak to your doctor about a referral for a formal autism diagnosis.

    If you can't get PIP, you could claim universal credit but you will have to be looking for a job. This website also has advice on seeking employment, if you need it. Citizens advice can also advise re benefits and housing.

    I wish you luck.

  • Welcome to the forum and sorry to hear you're having such a difficult time. Please be reassured that you are welcome here without a formal diagnosis - some of us on here (including me) are self diagnosed.

    There is an article in this website offering guidance on benefits:

    If you can get PIP, you may be able to rent in sheltered accommodation - your local council will be able to advise on this. Also speak to your doctor about a referral for a formal autism diagnosis.

    If you can't get PIP, you could claim universal credit but you will have to be looking for a job. This website also has advice on seeking employment, if you need it. Citizens advice can also advise re benefits and housing.

    I wish you luck.

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