Unsure about the next steps

I have recently been referred to the adult autism team by my GP regarding getting tested for autism. I am very unfamiliar with all of this and lack a lot of people in my life who have experience with this as well. I am very anxious to see where the process takes me as my GP office was unable to give me a lot of detail about the process and what to expect.

Im unsure of how long it will take to have someone contact me and what the next steps are from there

  • Part 1:

    Hi and welcome to the community!

    The NAS's diagnosis hub has some excellent articles that can help to fill in some of those blanks for you, including:

    NAS - What can I do while waiting for an autism assessment?

    This particular article includes:

    • How long will I have to wait for an autism assessment?
    • Can I get support while waiting to be assessed?
    • Do I have to prepare anything for the autism assessment?
    • What is a screening questionnaire?
    • Links, resources and article sources 

    Other articles in the Assessment and diagnosis section include:

    • Criteria and tools used in an autism assessment
    • What happens during an autism assessment 
    • Professionals involved in an autism assessment
  • Part 1:

    Hi and welcome to the community!

    The NAS's diagnosis hub has some excellent articles that can help to fill in some of those blanks for you, including:

    NAS - What can I do while waiting for an autism assessment?

    This particular article includes:

    • How long will I have to wait for an autism assessment?
    • Can I get support while waiting to be assessed?
    • Do I have to prepare anything for the autism assessment?
    • What is a screening questionnaire?
    • Links, resources and article sources 

    Other articles in the Assessment and diagnosis section include:

    • Criteria and tools used in an autism assessment
    • What happens during an autism assessment 
    • Professionals involved in an autism assessment
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