Interesting facts

I thought we could start a thread for sharing facts we love or find interesting/fun. Next time we're due to be in a social situation where it might be expected to share a fact as part of introducing ourselves, we can have this thread as a resource to look through so we have something ready. And at least as importantly I think, this can also be a space for info-dumping favourite facts about special interests. I'll start:

  • Nectar comes from the roots nek (meaning death) and tar (meaning to overcome). 

    I love how this relates to the nectar of the Olympian gods as sustenance for their immortality, and the importance of nectar in pollination which keeps almost everything on Earth alive.

  • Nectar comes from the roots nek (meaning death) and tar (meaning to overcome). 

    I love how this relates to the nectar of the Olympian gods as sustenance for their immortality, and the importance of nectar in pollination which keeps almost everything on Earth alive.

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