Constant tiredness and vitamins.

I’m not after any medical advice or help with prescription medication. I realised I’m autistic about three years ago and went into a long burnout, probably about 18 months long. I then contracted covid three times and have gone from insomniac to not being able to stay awake, I can sleep for 10 - 12  hours and wake up tired, I’m constantly tired and could quite happily sleep in the daytime. That’s not possible as I need to work. I don’t do anything in the evenings anymore and can quite happily go to bed at 8pm. To be honest I still have little interest in anything.

I don’t know if autism is overwhelming me more and I’m realising that so much of my life and struggles have been autism related or if I still have the affects of covid. I’ve had blood tests and all normal. 

Is there any vitamins anyone can recommend, not weird foods as I couldn’t eat them. Any ideas would be appreciated.

  • Try vitamin b2 I think it is. If you goto a boots they can often help you but if thats not your think I think in boots they organise vitamins into sections now for what you want for example fatigue, brain function, skin, hair etc. Hope that helps 

  • Try vitamin b2 I think it is. If you goto a boots they can often help you but if thats not your think I think in boots they organise vitamins into sections now for what you want for example fatigue, brain function, skin, hair etc. Hope that helps 

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