Constant tiredness and vitamins.

I’m not after any medical advice or help with prescription medication. I realised I’m autistic about three years ago and went into a long burnout, probably about 18 months long. I then contracted covid three times and have gone from insomniac to not being able to stay awake, I can sleep for 10 - 12  hours and wake up tired, I’m constantly tired and could quite happily sleep in the daytime. That’s not possible as I need to work. I don’t do anything in the evenings anymore and can quite happily go to bed at 8pm. To be honest I still have little interest in anything.

I don’t know if autism is overwhelming me more and I’m realising that so much of my life and struggles have been autism related or if I still have the affects of covid. I’ve had blood tests and all normal. 

Is there any vitamins anyone can recommend, not weird foods as I couldn’t eat them. Any ideas would be appreciated.

  • I can say that I take vitamin B6 everyday and it vastly improves my life and greatly reduces cravings for alcoholic drinks too. Some people say it’s snake oil or it’s all fake nonsense but the thing is —> these people who say this haven’t tried it! No medication or drug will grant you absolute happiness and fulfilment as that comes from within. Those moments in life when you are most content are those when you are most enjoying yourself and living in the moment.

  • Roy - when I stopped drinking (drinking) - I found that I slept, and slept and slept.  When I wasn't sleeping, I knew I could sleep.

    This was the EXACT opposite to what I was expecting to happen.

    It did level out........very slowly, to more "traditional" levels of awakedness-v-sleepiness......eventually.

  • I take some cod-liver oil with vitD. For gut health I take little bottles of Actimel, these are like little tasty yogurt. Not only useful after antibiotics. 

  • Do you have long covid? It might be worth checking this out and contacting any groups about it, they may have better ideas than us?

    Along with B12 you could also try zinc as it helps the immune system and it's a vitamin thats not so easily gained from dietry sources and used up quickly. The body uses it for all cell repair, hair, nails, skin as well as warding off diseases, you can tell if you have enough and when to stop taking it as a supplement if you get a slight metalic taste in your mouth.

  • Hi Roy

    I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with this (I'm having the opposite issue at the moment, but I think it's "just" stress related, due to some things that are going on at the moment).

    You mentioned having had blood tests, with normal results. Did they include checking your B12 and folate levels?

    Tiredness can be a symptom of deficiency. 

    Both my partner and I have regular B12 injections via our GP, having both shown low, out-of-range results on blood tests. We also take daily B12 supplements (although deficiency is not always necessarily diet related, so these may not be making any difference). My partner struggles particularly badly with tiredness when getting towards the end of a jab interval.

    More info here:

  • Try vitamin b2 I think it is. If you goto a boots they can often help you but if thats not your think I think in boots they organise vitamins into sections now for what you want for example fatigue, brain function, skin, hair etc. Hope that helps