Autistic adult diagnosed 7th September looking for advice

I'm a full time lorry driver working 50 to 60 hour weeks, I'm on the brink of clapse. Diagnosed Saturday the 7th September so very recently and I'm wondering if there's any support I could get because I'm not sure what to do. I'm trying to study to be an electrician so I can work better hours but working so many hours is killing me leaving me very very little energy to study on the side lines. I'm high functioning but the hours and having to put a brave face on every day is mentally and physically draining on top of a mentally and physically draining job.

  • Congratulations on your diagnosis and welcome to the community!

    The NAS's diagnosis hub contains various articles that are designed to help you navigate your way through diagnosis, including before, during and afterwards.

    I'm wondering if there's any support I could get because I'm not sure what to do.

    One of those articles covers sources of support, so I'd suggest is well worth a read in respect of your question:

    NAS - Formal support following an autism diagnosis

    Along with various other advice (eg about benefits), it includes a link to this template letter that you can send to your GP to request a personalised plan (in accordance with NICE guidelines).

    As the article explains, this plan should "be based on an assessment of individual needs, considering strengths, skills, and challenges. It should include your social, health, education and employment needs, and the needs of your family, where relevant".

  • Congratulations on your diagnosis and welcome to the community!

    The NAS's diagnosis hub contains various articles that are designed to help you navigate your way through diagnosis, including before, during and afterwards.

    I'm wondering if there's any support I could get because I'm not sure what to do.

    One of those articles covers sources of support, so I'd suggest is well worth a read in respect of your question:

    NAS - Formal support following an autism diagnosis

    Along with various other advice (eg about benefits), it includes a link to this template letter that you can send to your GP to request a personalised plan (in accordance with NICE guidelines).

    As the article explains, this plan should "be based on an assessment of individual needs, considering strengths, skills, and challenges. It should include your social, health, education and employment needs, and the needs of your family, where relevant".

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