Autistic adult diagnosed 7th September looking for advice

I'm a full time lorry driver working 50 to 60 hour weeks, I'm on the brink of clapse. Diagnosed Saturday the 7th September so very recently and I'm wondering if there's any support I could get because I'm not sure what to do. I'm trying to study to be an electrician so I can work better hours but working so many hours is killing me leaving me very very little energy to study on the side lines. I'm high functioning but the hours and having to put a brave face on every day is mentally and physically draining on top of a mentally and physically draining job.

  • I'd advise you that since learning of my Autism 3 years ago and immersing myself in this forum and working out what it means etc, overall, I wish I'd left it alone and carried on in ignorance. I had hope then that things would get better for me.

    As regards your work, the problem may be partly simple age. Physically & metabolically for a man it's all pretty much down hill after 19 years old, no matter how much we might pretend (and be exhorted to pretend by the T.V set) downhill! After 50 you really start to notice the lack of energy and start reaching for the vitamin B12 or Amphetamine. 

    The real problem is that you are working too many hours to do much else but rest and sleep when you are not working. 

    Ask yourself; "Why am I doing this?"

    I found I was doing it simply to have enough money to get by and pay my bills, you might too. No matter how good one's work ethic is, if your efforts do NOT actually empower you to live in a manner significantly more satisfying to that lived by those who do no work at all, of course you'll be looking for a new gig...

    BUT, before you become an electrician in the hope of making more money for less work, maybe there is a better, more comforatble way? 

    If you are doing 60 hour weeks as an HGV that takes you easily past 50K P.A. working for a decent firm I understand.

    BY carefully watching my expenditure and not wasting my money like most people do, I was able to operate a flat, and my then two Jaguars on about £8,000 P.A. excluding rent and rating for the four bedroom flat I had. It would have been cheaper too if the young girl I was housing and semi looking after didn't take so many showers in a week...

    Now that was ten years ago, and some prices have DOUBLED since then, BUT you still might fidn after careful examonation that there is some uselss draining crap you are paying for (Like a TV subscriptoin) or a cripplng contract for a must have mobile phone that's out of date before you finsh your contract etc.

    A Samsung S6 cost about 50 quid for a nicer one, and a giff gaff sim is 6 quid a month, and I get just as much telephony and texting as anyone might need!, Say the phone only lasts you two years it's still a total cost of 100 quid a YEAR to have a funcitonal mobile phone that takes good pictures, has decent phone performance, and texts as much as you coudl possibly want, works a a hotspot for your computer in emrgency situations but DOESN'T give you enough data to keep your head down and stuck in your phone like nearly everyone else.

    I know people woth 100 quid a month TV packages. One has to do a fair few hours work to carry that sort of expenditure, which is in truth buying a service designed to sell you stuff you don't need (thus taking more of your money, making your work more hours) and literally mold your opinions masqueradng as relaxation and entertainment. Watching T.V. isn't a reward for your hard work, it's more work, learning how to behave and what to spend your (spare?) money on!!

    In short, if your life is so expensive that doing the work to sustain it is killing you, the answer is not (as your were led to believe)  for you to "work smarter" or "work harder" it's to spend less money!

  • I'd advise you that since learning of my Autism 3 years ago and immersing myself in this forum and working out what it means etc, overall, I wish I'd left it alone and carried on in ignorance. I had hope then that things would get better for me.

    As regards your work, the problem may be partly simple age. Physically & metabolically for a man it's all pretty much down hill after 19 years old, no matter how much we might pretend (and be exhorted to pretend by the T.V set) downhill! After 50 you really start to notice the lack of energy and start reaching for the vitamin B12 or Amphetamine. 

    The real problem is that you are working too many hours to do much else but rest and sleep when you are not working. 

    Ask yourself; "Why am I doing this?"

    I found I was doing it simply to have enough money to get by and pay my bills, you might too. No matter how good one's work ethic is, if your efforts do NOT actually empower you to live in a manner significantly more satisfying to that lived by those who do no work at all, of course you'll be looking for a new gig...

    BUT, before you become an electrician in the hope of making more money for less work, maybe there is a better, more comforatble way? 

    If you are doing 60 hour weeks as an HGV that takes you easily past 50K P.A. working for a decent firm I understand.

    BY carefully watching my expenditure and not wasting my money like most people do, I was able to operate a flat, and my then two Jaguars on about £8,000 P.A. excluding rent and rating for the four bedroom flat I had. It would have been cheaper too if the young girl I was housing and semi looking after didn't take so many showers in a week...

    Now that was ten years ago, and some prices have DOUBLED since then, BUT you still might fidn after careful examonation that there is some uselss draining crap you are paying for (Like a TV subscriptoin) or a cripplng contract for a must have mobile phone that's out of date before you finsh your contract etc.

    A Samsung S6 cost about 50 quid for a nicer one, and a giff gaff sim is 6 quid a month, and I get just as much telephony and texting as anyone might need!, Say the phone only lasts you two years it's still a total cost of 100 quid a YEAR to have a funcitonal mobile phone that takes good pictures, has decent phone performance, and texts as much as you coudl possibly want, works a a hotspot for your computer in emrgency situations but DOESN'T give you enough data to keep your head down and stuck in your phone like nearly everyone else.

    I know people woth 100 quid a month TV packages. One has to do a fair few hours work to carry that sort of expenditure, which is in truth buying a service designed to sell you stuff you don't need (thus taking more of your money, making your work more hours) and literally mold your opinions masqueradng as relaxation and entertainment. Watching T.V. isn't a reward for your hard work, it's more work, learning how to behave and what to spend your (spare?) money on!!

    In short, if your life is so expensive that doing the work to sustain it is killing you, the answer is not (as your were led to believe)  for you to "work smarter" or "work harder" it's to spend less money!

  • I'd advise you that since learning of my Autism 3 years ago and immersing myself in this forum and working out what it means etc, overall, I wish I'd left it alone and carried on in ignorance. I had hope then that things would get better for me.

    I have to say I totally agree with this. I am well over a year since my diagnosis and apart from understanding myself a little better I am in limbo regarding my employment. My manager says my reasonable adjustment requests are unreasonable and wants me to be redeployed. I have for the last 9 months working in a temporary placement. Now at end of this month I am to move to another one! Do they not realise that this is causing so much stress.

    I want to give up on life but not end it!

    I have a well paid job that is very niche and its all I know as it was my special interest. Finding a position of the same salary is going to be like finding hens teeth.

    If I could rewind I would and live in ignorance but know that there was something wrong somewhere.