Autistic adult diagnosed 7th September looking for advice

I'm a full time lorry driver working 50 to 60 hour weeks, I'm on the brink of clapse. Diagnosed Saturday the 7th September so very recently and I'm wondering if there's any support I could get because I'm not sure what to do. I'm trying to study to be an electrician so I can work better hours but working so many hours is killing me leaving me very very little energy to study on the side lines. I'm high functioning but the hours and having to put a brave face on every day is mentally and physically draining on top of a mentally and physically draining job.

  • Hi there, firstly know you're not alone. I was diagnosed aged 56 and I'm still working out what it means, but firstly I have started to be kinder to myself. I used to cringe at my "shyness" and be embarrassed at not getting on with people, but now I know that's just who I am and there are "my people" in my circle, and out there who get me, not everyone will be "my people".

    I don't know much about the driving game, but maybe you can listen to podcasts or audiobooks on your drive, and whatever music makes you happy. My favourite podcasts are "Autastic" and "Oh, that's just my Autism". I do Headspace/meditation and this helps a lot with my moods, and I try to get exercise and eat healthily, all of which helps too.

    Not sure how to help with the change of career, it must be hard working so many hours just to stay afloat. Hopefully others have advice about that.

    Be kind to yourself.

  • Hi there, firstly know you're not alone. I was diagnosed aged 56 and I'm still working out what it means, but firstly I have started to be kinder to myself. I used to cringe at my "shyness" and be embarrassed at not getting on with people, but now I know that's just who I am and there are "my people" in my circle, and out there who get me, not everyone will be "my people".

    I don't know much about the driving game, but maybe you can listen to podcasts or audiobooks on your drive, and whatever music makes you happy. My favourite podcasts are "Autastic" and "Oh, that's just my Autism". I do Headspace/meditation and this helps a lot with my moods, and I try to get exercise and eat healthily, all of which helps too.

    Not sure how to help with the change of career, it must be hard working so many hours just to stay afloat. Hopefully others have advice about that.

    Be kind to yourself.

  • Thank you your reply means alot. I'm the same I'm very shy and awkward. Don't have friends really, but iv come to conclusion that it's just who I am and people don't have to like me. I find that it's too stressful having friends as well so I can't really win haha Sweat smile  but yes I often listen to country music to calm me. It's my secret obsession. I will give podcasts a go thanks!