The Worst Time in My Life

Can anyone give me some advice I have-

1- Police investigation that now has gone to trial for something I am 100% incident of in short it is to do with neighbours convincing Police I harass them when they have been unbelievable in their unkindness and harassment of me.

2- The council are doing the same and want to issue me with a CPN for the same offence.This would mean going to court twice for the same thing.

3- I have several complaints in against the police and now because they have a personal vendetta against me they want to issue a civil injunction.

Please can anyone give some helpful advice about my nightmare.

  • This all sounds horribly unjust and nightmarish, and very difficult to fix.

    IN MY OPINION, it takes two strong sides to create a conflict and only one weak side to end it! 

    If you are now taking on your neighbnours, the police and the council simultaneously, and there is only one of you maintaining your end of the conflict, then your best option is to "change sides" as fast as you can.

    IN order to get in that much strife, You are doing somethng that really does not work for your neighbours, the police and the council.

    Whatever that something is, it's about to cost you dearly, might even get yerself sectioned, and IMHO, you don't want any of that.

    I use a psychologcial technique of having multiple fairly well developed and conflciting perspectives on things. 

    I use that to try and GROK what the other person finds so objectionable about me, and cme to see things from their point of view. 

    Occasionally, (very rarely) I learn something useful from the experience. Mostly I learn what I need to do to make the conflict go away.

    I hope that helps. 

    One other thing, if they have issued you with a summons there must be a statement of what it is they actually have against you. 

    Whatever you need to do to quiet this thing down, you must do, for your own peace of mind and general well being.

    You might have to give way on your principles, but whatever you do it's gotta be better than that three way slugathon you have brewing there. 

    Then of course, you'll need to relocate and start afresh. 

  • This all sounds horribly unjust and nightmarish, and very difficult to fix.

    IN MY OPINION, it takes two strong sides to create a conflict and only one weak side to end it! 

    If you are now taking on your neighbnours, the police and the council simultaneously, and there is only one of you maintaining your end of the conflict, then your best option is to "change sides" as fast as you can.

    IN order to get in that much strife, You are doing somethng that really does not work for your neighbours, the police and the council.

    Whatever that something is, it's about to cost you dearly, might even get yerself sectioned, and IMHO, you don't want any of that.

    I use a psychologcial technique of having multiple fairly well developed and conflciting perspectives on things. 

    I use that to try and GROK what the other person finds so objectionable about me, and cme to see things from their point of view. 

    Occasionally, (very rarely) I learn something useful from the experience. Mostly I learn what I need to do to make the conflict go away.

    I hope that helps. 

    One other thing, if they have issued you with a summons there must be a statement of what it is they actually have against you. 

    Whatever you need to do to quiet this thing down, you must do, for your own peace of mind and general well being.

    You might have to give way on your principles, but whatever you do it's gotta be better than that three way slugathon you have brewing there. 

    Then of course, you'll need to relocate and start afresh. 
