Hello :)

Hi all,

After a long time away from the forum, I'm tentatively back to see what's happening and who's around here at the moment. I had some problems with my account that meant I couldn't log in for a while, and around the same time things were happening on the forum that really clashed with my values and identity. This is a new account, (I used to be Sphynx with a y) so if you know me from before and would like to connect, I'm really sorry if I've missed messages, would be lovely to hear from you now. Also looking to make more autistic friends. I've almost completed my initial training as a person-centred therapist, and I care very deeply about nature and social justice. I really love language (words, etymology, names) and mythology, (especially Greek and Celtic, but always excited to learn more!) I write music and sometimes words as well. If any of this resonates or sparks your curiosity, let me know below! 

  • someday you will find that form that's works for you hi I'm new here too and maybe we can get know each  other better also

  • Ah I see, sorry that was a strange assumption on my part. Really wishing you a smooth recovery...

  • No problem. I only need myself for transcription and re-recording. Sadly, I'm missing at the moment Joy

  • Hi, aw thank you, and that's so cool! What are some of your favourites?

  • Hi! 

    Yay, someone from before :) It's lovely to know we have those things in common, I don't think I realised that when I was last around. Always here to talk about any aspects of those things!

    I almost want to ask for an update on what I've missed in the last year or two - the main couple of people I was connecting with a lot don't seem to be around anymore :(

  • Hi Mark, 

    Thank you for taking the time to make this accessible and then for sharing it here! It's lovely, really nice melody. And I thfind the hiss very atmospheric :) I hope you can find someone to work on transcription and re-recording with. Playing instruments can be hard for so many different reasons. I hope burnout lifts enough for you to come back to engaging with music in whatever form feels most meaningful and exciting to you - sounds like it's been an important part of you for a long time.  

  • Welcome back! Blush
    I love nature and social justice too btw. 

  • Hi em1ly. There are other lovers of wildlife here. I'm sure that you will find subjects that you will like.

  • Hello

    I go to a group about twice a month. Do different tasks and sometimes have guess speakers. Interested in nature, music, and photography. 

  • Hello

    I go to a group about twice a month. Do different tasks and sometimes have guess speakers. Interested in nature, music, and photography. 

  • Hi Sphinx, I only just joined the community today and don't know what I'm doing lol. Nice to meet you, you sound really cool. I absolutely love nature, it is my main interest! I have an encyclopedic knowledge of UK species haha!

  • Hi Sphinx,

    I have used adobe online to create a 'video', so it can be uploaded to youtube.


    This tune was recorded in 1989. If my memory is correct, I think I wrote it in 1987. I would have been around 17.

    I have poor physical co-ordination, so I can't play keyboards well. (I was in short-lived band, and it was probably good for society that we split up Joy. There was only one talented musician out of the five of us, and I wasn't them.). This is entirely sequenced to fix my poor playing. It used a dedicated piano module. The sequencer could not store 'velocity' information and so the notes are all uniformly loud. It is recorded on audio cassette tape, and has a lovely hiss as a result. I would like to get it transcribed one day with a view to re-recording it with an better piano sample and velocity.

  • No, I am keen to do this! I have a good feeling about it!

  • It doesn't sound babbly at all, it definitely resonates with my experience. I think people understandably gravitate towards what's most visible, which can mean everything else gets missed. 

    Thank you so much. No rush or pressure with this, I wouldn't want it to be a source of stress. I just realised I forgot to reply to your point about burnout - that can be so hard, that constant sense of drainedness that sounds like it's trapped you for a while and impacted on what's really important to you. I hope you find a way back out of it 

  • My view is that people find it hard, if not impossible, to hold more than one category in their head at one time. It's just a theory. So 'blind' will override 'autistic'. I think a lot of racism and sexism comes from this. Like I say, it's only a theory. But because I have this theory, I really try to hold more than one category in my head, if I can. I think I can manage two or three now. Reading this back it sounds like the babbling of a lunatic.

    I'll try to get a YouTube link up. I have to work out how to make a video of the tune. I know it can be done because there are lots of 'videos' of music that are just the record sleeve cover and things like that.

  • Hi Mark, sorry for my slow responses. Yes, emojis do work, and YouTube is good - thank you again for your thoughtfulness Relaxed

    I would love to read the book you mentioned, I will add it to my mental list! I find people often dismiss my autisticness because of my blindness so it would be really helpful to learn about someone else's similar ly intersectional experiences. 

    As you said in your post, it's hard for me to share music on here anonymously too, but maybe at some point when we connect privately I can send you some links Relaxed️ 

  • Hi Sphinx - is there a music upload service that is accessible? Youtube?

    My problem is that my burnout has affected my music, and I haven't done any for a long time. I am going to try to start forcing myself for an hour a week to see if I can jump-start my interest again. My older software does not work anymore and I am a bit overwhelmed by my newer software. I don't have the co-ordination to be able to play any instrument in any way that is listenable to another person - ha ha ha (do emojis work for you?). But I could pick out a tune on a keyboard and store in a sequencer, fix the timing and build up a track that way.

    I am very keen to hear about how you produce music, and would love to hear something if that is possible.

  • One more thing. I've just finished "Nine Minds: Inner Lives on the Spectrum" by Daniel Tammet. One of the nine minds is an autistic lady who is blind. I have a terrible memory for names (and everything else), but she does research on a poet who is also autistic.

  • Hi Sphinx. I am logging off for today.

    I'll send you a friend request. You have no obligation whatsoever to accept. I don't know how the notification will appear to you. If not, I will answer here properly tomorrow.