Hello :)

Hi all,

After a long time away from the forum, I'm tentatively back to see what's happening and who's around here at the moment. I had some problems with my account that meant I couldn't log in for a while, and around the same time things were happening on the forum that really clashed with my values and identity. This is a new account, (I used to be Sphynx with a y) so if you know me from before and would like to connect, I'm really sorry if I've missed messages, would be lovely to hear from you now. Also looking to make more autistic friends. I've almost completed my initial training as a person-centred therapist, and I care very deeply about nature and social justice. I really love language (words, etymology, names) and mythology, (especially Greek and Celtic, but always excited to learn more!) I write music and sometimes words as well. If any of this resonates or sparks your curiosity, let me know below! 

  • Hello Sphinx. You are from before my time. I hope that you stick around. I hope to hear about your music one day. I posted a tune that I wrote 30 years ago in another thread. I'll repost the link here. I can't post more recent stuff because it was commercially available in one form or another, and this forum is anonymous. (No, I'm not a famous pop star - ha ha).

    I read that you are blind - is there a writing style that I can do that helps with this? Anything to avoid?


  • Thank you for such a thoughtful reply. I saw your link in the Creative Space but sadly SoundCloud is inaccessible, otherwise I would have loved to hear it. My music is contemporary classical, generally quiet and spacious, and often responding to ecological subject matter. Do you have particular influences or sources of inspiration?

    Text on a forum like this is fine - it's more graphics, images, tables, and text laid out in columns that doesn't work. Thank you so much for asking :) 

  • Hi Sphinx. I am logging off for today.

    I'll send you a friend request. You have no obligation whatsoever to accept. I don't know how the notification will appear to you. If not, I will answer here properly tomorrow.

  • One more thing. I've just finished "Nine Minds: Inner Lives on the Spectrum" by Daniel Tammet. One of the nine minds is an autistic lady who is blind. I have a terrible memory for names (and everything else), but she does research on a poet who is also autistic.

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