sleep- I perfer it to being awake!

Hi, I have always been a sleeper and I am 54. I remember being around 10 and not getting up to 11:00 in the school holidays and given the chance that desire has always remained. The worse part of my day is always getting out of bed. In recient years I have questioned why and its because its the only time I am truely me. There are no demands from other people, no schedule, no places to be etc. I realised this morning when lying there on a quiet Sunday that I actually perfer being asleep, my life is backwards! I feel a freedom when I am in bed, my brain wanders, and I dream alot. I was wondering if I am alone in this? I have also experienced the other end when I had my burnout , when I had so much anxiety in my head I could not sleep, and that was torture.


  • I just got up at 11. If I was left every day I probably would, but most days there's work, school drop offs etc. Which force me to get up 

    I always thought I needed that extra time to recharge and as you say there's definitely something nice about not having to be anything but myself.

    Flip side is that once I'm in that stage of in and out of being awake a lot,  rather than solid sleeping, I can start to think too much, I'll go off down rabbit holes that aren't good, maybe also doze off and have some negative dreams. Even though I'd still lie there all day given the chance!

    So I think I there's a balance of having that "time off" and recharging, but too much can be a negative.

    My first coffee is starting to kick in now!

    Have a good Sunday!!