Lyrics are my biographies

I often relate ai much to lyrics for example

I cant get to sleep thinking of the implications of diving in too deep and possibly the complications esspecisly at night i worry over situations i know will be alright perhaps its imagination day after day it reappears night after night my heart beat shows the fear

I will often sit up at night worrying did i do all my work tasks right or whay ever 

Its like a song is only as good as too hoe well it sums up my feelings and in a way i have usee music to see things i have ignored ot masked

Theres also a lyric that goes

At least theres pretty lights although theres little variation it nulifies the night from overkill

Like for me if i get worked up i need that sensory input whic is often a  warm yellow glow of a led warm glow bulb with a dark shade to stop it being bright

I uses to be a profeseional street musication and it stoped or made my meltdowns easier but it wasbt paying the bills and i have no where to rwally practice or to stoee all the gear due to my hobbies being board games anf video games and its a small 2 bed flat with 4 people living here 

Plus people on the street are normaly nice but i once got chased by a creepy man and also despite getting hundreds of possitive comments one rude lady made me give up 

Yes im no great singer but i can keep in key its just my tone was a work in prgress but that one rude comment was like mybfight or flught kicking in

So now music is a way to understand my feelings eithout talking