I need friends :)

I used to post on here a while ago, I’m back Slight smile

I’m turning 29 next week and I wanna make some friendsssssss

hit me upppp x

  • Hi Allie, and everyone else of this thread Relaxed 

    I was diagnosed last year at 38 and although having a strong family network my lack of autistic friends (and autistic allies) who "get" and accept me, is something I'd also like to change.

    I love reading, learning, and discussing big ideas, as well as exercising (to keep my mind from racing), gardening (for wellbeing), drumming, rock climbing, and recently started playing chess. I particularly love reading Russian literature, classics, poetry, and about psychology, philosophy, and economics. Professionally I've always worked in charities as it's where I can draw together learning and experts from different areas to solve pressing social and environmental problems (which serves my sense of justice and hyper empathy). 

    If I sound vaguely interesting to anyone then give me a shout Thumbsup tone2

  • Hi. What Russian writers have you read?  I've been reading M Ageyev of late.

  • I've not heard of Ageyev - which is exciting as it's something new to read Relaxed

    My favourite Russian authors to date would be Dostoevsky; Solzhenitsyn; Tolstoy; Gogol; Pushkin; Chekhov; Turgenev; Goncharov; and Lermontov.

    My favourite by Dostoevsky is "The Idiot", and by Solzhenitsyn is "One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich". 

    Thanks for the book recommendation, enjoy your reading Books

  • I've not heard of Ageyev - which is exciting as it's something new to read Relaxed

    My favourite Russian authors to date would be Dostoevsky; Solzhenitsyn; Tolstoy; Gogol; Pushkin; Chekhov; Turgenev; Goncharov; and Lermontov.

    My favourite by Dostoevsky is "The Idiot", and by Solzhenitsyn is "One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich". 

    Thanks for the book recommendation, enjoy your reading Books

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