ASD assessment appointment tomorrow

Hi all.

I’m new here.

I have the first part of my autism (adult) assessment tomorrow (NHS England.)

I’m feeling so anxious about it because I’ve found out it’s a 90 min appointment and I don’t know what is going to happen in those 90 mins.

It’s a video call appointment. At another point there is an “informant” appointment (that word makes me laugh! But I understand it’s just them talking to my partner. But it does make it sound like he’s a tout! lol!) And then there’s another face to face appointment with me.

I just wish they’d tell me the questions beforehand or tell me what’s going to happen in the appointment as 90 mins of uncertainty in an online video call feels overwhelming.

Has anyone had an initial appointment (this is after the long waiting list so not a screening appointment) with NHS England adult autism service recently and can let me know any more about what to expect from the first 90 min appointment?

Alternatively, tell me about your pets or favourite animals as I’m always interested in hearing about those!


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