Should I try to get a formal diagnosis?

Hello, I'm a 21-year-old man. You can call me my username, Armada. I wanted to ask for some advice from people who may have gone through the struggles I'm currently facing or are going through the same thing as me. I apologize as this may get long-winded and hard to read, as I like to ramble on in these types of posts.

For a long time now, I've been struggling with some fairly 'basic' signs of autism. Overstimulation, being anti-social/socially anxious, struggling with 'meltdowns' and masking are some things that I deal with the majority of the time. Though, most of these things are swept under the rug by doctors and family because I'm not presenting as a "stereotypical autistic person".

But, the main thing I really want to know is that is it really worth it for me to go through the time, effort and money to get formally tested by a professional? Now that I'm 21, I'm almost done with schooling (at least for right now, I'm not sure if I'll be getting my bachelor's degree). I won't need the services that my college may offer to their students who are on the spectrum. I don't think a workplace, especially where I'm located, would offer any accommodations to an employee. In my mind, the diagnosis would just be proof to shove in my family's faces to say "Hey. I was right. I was right all along. Suck it". But I'm not sure that spending over $1,000 is worth it in the long run. 

I would love some insight and wisdom. Thank you!

If anyone is curious about what other things I may be dealing with, feel free to ask. I'm very willing to be open.

Parents Reply
  • Thank you for the information you've provided! I wasn't aware of the ADA act, but that's really useful to know about. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention.

    And yes, I should've probably clarified that I'm based in the USA, my apologies if I should've posted this question to another website Sweat smile

  • I absolutely agree! I will find a US-based community as soon as possible. Thank you again!

  • You're welcome! And it's not a problem at all - we have lots of international members here :)

    That being said, it might also be a good idea to seek additional, experience-based advice from a US-based community, where there'll be more people with detailed knowledge of, and opinions on, the matter from a US perspective.