Are you considering star wars outlaws? (Possible spoilers)

This is for the gamers out there who might be wondering whether to buy star wars Outlaws...

I have played it a bit but have had to give up on it. I'm not a very good game player, but even on easy setting it's too difficult and frustrating for me. I heard that reviewers had marked it down due to having a lot of stealth requirements - what I didn't realise was that in certain sections you have to get through quite a lot without being noticed, and although you're allowed to knock them out, you can't shoot at enemies in those parts of the game - if seen, Kay just says "yeah, you got me" and you have to to do that part all over again, and again, and again (in my case). Why? I thought she was supposed to be a female Han Solo, but he wouldn't have gone quietly, he'd have had all blasters blazing! In addition, you can pick up better weapons but once they're empty Kay discards them, you can't put them in her inventory and use them later!

The other issue I have is riding a speeder bike. I cannot control vehicles, either in game or in real life (don't worry, I don't have a driving licence) and I keep crashing it, and then Kay's health goes down Disappointed

Finally, the game is claimed to be open world, but it feels very much "on rails". For example, if you're trying to infiltrate an area of a building, once you start the quest if you meet a group of enemies you can't defeat, you cannot get out of the building and run away then go back later and continue, like in AC Odyssey.

I've had to stop playing this game before I threw my controller at the TV! Luckily I got it on a months subscription to Ubisoft+ at a price of 14.99, but if you're going to have to pay full price (usually £60-70) I'd advise you research it thoroughly to check it's for you before you buy.

  • Hi Pixiefox,

    Thanks for the advice! I really was considering it, but I don't think that I will now.

    Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 are only £8.99 on Steam at the moment. I think I have recommended these before.

    The down side is that they are 21 years old, and have all the clunky interface common for the time.

    The plus side is that the story and characters are brilliant - particularly the assassination droid HK-47.

    From what I remember (I've played it about 5 times - the last about 3 years ago), there are no quick reactions required because it is basically a turns based RPG. When you go into battle everything stops so you can choose what to do.

    It's funny what you say because I am rubbish at driving vehicles in games too. Don't get me started on my rubbish sense of direction when I love big map open games!

    I think we have discussed Fallout before. I finished the main Fallout 3 campaign. I did a good thing by ignoring my autistic need to play 3 and all the subquests, New Vegas then 4. I resisted and have jumped straight to 4. It took me ages to set up my character. I'm not trans, but for some reason I have ALWAYS played as the female character if there is an option. 'Mia' is currently exploring her nuked street with Codsworth. 

  • My husband always plays AC Odyssey as Kassandra, whilst I prefer to play it as Alexios. There's an option to play AC Valhalla as a male or female Aivor, and I always play the male version. Character gender doesn't matter to me - I go with whichever appeals at the time if there's a choice - It's only a game! Slight smile

    Which faction(s) will Mia join? I prefer minute men & brotherhood of steel.

  • My husband always plays AC Odyssey as Kassandra, whilst I prefer to play it as Alexios. There's an option to play AC Valhalla as a male or female Aivor, and I always play the male version. Character gender doesn't matter to me - I go with whichever appeals at the time if there's a choice - It's only a game! Slight smile

    Which faction(s) will Mia join? I prefer minute men & brotherhood of steel.
