No help for me

I've been trying to get a post diagnosis assessment, I only found out about them from being on here, I was never offered one when first diagnosed, I was just left to get on with it. I tried the group in North Wales that was supposed to help and they were useless, couldn't get their heads around my very low tech skills, didn't listen, gas lit me on one occaision and ended up being a human google pointing me towards "help" that wasn't even available in Wales. It ended up with two women sat at my kitchen table with a lap top showing two smart phones I could buy from my local tescos and this was after weeks of phone calls and emails around various agencies, I felt like a lost parcel!

On saturday I bumped into some collectors from the local mencap group and asked them if mencap could help me, they assured me that they would, so I emailed them and they can't and tried to send me here and to the above group that are a total waste of time and public money.

Now I feel, well thats that, no help, no interest, all the bodies that are supposed to help with ASC are closed to me apart from these boards. I am able to advocate for myself, so I could write to my Assembly member or MP or both, but can I be bothered? What do I expect them to do? The answer is nothing, the last time I wrote to my assembly member I had no reply at all and my MP did say they'd recieved my email, but the only action that was taken was to pass all my details onto to head office so as they could advertise at me.

Is there anywhere for an intelligent 62 year old woman to get any help?

  • I am about the same age as you so please don't take this the wrong way. I am presuming one of the things you want help with is IT. My computer skills are limited and rely on our IT department to help me when things disappear, go wrong or I get stuck. 

    My Dad had no IT skills and did not own a smart phone, but I remember he did a computer skills course run by Age UK, mainly so he could use a computer at the library. He found this helpful. I have just looked them up and there is a section on computer skills courses where you can put in your post code to see if there are any courses in your area. 

  • I am about the same age as you so please don't take this the wrong way. I am presuming one of the things you want help with is IT. My computer skills are limited and rely on our IT department to help me when things disappear, go wrong or I get stuck. 

    My Dad had no IT skills and did not own a smart phone, but I remember he did a computer skills course run by Age UK, mainly so he could use a computer at the library. He found this helpful. I have just looked them up and there is a section on computer skills courses where you can put in your post code to see if there are any courses in your area. 

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