Jury Service as an autistic adult

Hi, I've been called for Jury Service and am wondering if anyone has any experience of it please?  Specifically, I have to fill in the form and return it in 7 days and it asks about reasonable adjustments - I'm not sure whether to say I'm autistic or not because the main thing that might happen is I get so overwhelmed I have a panic attack - but I don't know if that's going to happen or not .  I don't want them to say I can't do it incase this happens because it might not and then I'd miss out on something I would find very interesting.

What to do ??

  • I did Jury Service before I was diagnosed. After the briefing on the first day I was called for a case which lasted just over two weeks and I found it an interesting experience. Other people I know though went every day for a fortnight sat around for two or three hours then told to go home each day and never got called for a case. They do give people the opportunity to be excused if it is a long case.

    I guess you need to think what you might find difficult. 

  • I did Jury Service before I was diagnosed. After the briefing on the first day I was called for a case which lasted just over two weeks and I found it an interesting experience. Other people I know though went every day for a fortnight sat around for two or three hours then told to go home each day and never got called for a case. They do give people the opportunity to be excused if it is a long case.

    I guess you need to think what you might find difficult. 

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