Jury Service as an autistic adult

Hi, I've been called for Jury Service and am wondering if anyone has any experience of it please?  Specifically, I have to fill in the form and return it in 7 days and it asks about reasonable adjustments - I'm not sure whether to say I'm autistic or not because the main thing that might happen is I get so overwhelmed I have a panic attack - but I don't know if that's going to happen or not .  I don't want them to say I can't do it incase this happens because it might not and then I'd miss out on something I would find very interesting.

What to do ??

  • I have recently been selected for jury duty in Scotland. I emailed the clerk of the court to tell them my diagnosis and to mention some of my characteristics and asking what to do. The response was pretty pathetic telling me to get a doctors letter if I want to be excused. I do not want to go to the hassle of trying to get a GP appointment to get a letter. I found this statement from the Scottish Parliament in regard to autism and the courts. "if any potential juror has autism that is likely to make it difficult to function as a juror, he or she may apply to the clerk of court for excusal."

    Guess I will wait until I am selected and then report to the court officer.

  • I have recently been selected for jury duty in Scotland. I emailed the clerk of the court to tell them my diagnosis and to mention some of my characteristics and asking what to do. The response was pretty pathetic telling me to get a doctors letter if I want to be excused. I do not want to go to the hassle of trying to get a GP appointment to get a letter. I found this statement from the Scottish Parliament in regard to autism and the courts. "if any potential juror has autism that is likely to make it difficult to function as a juror, he or she may apply to the clerk of court for excusal."

    Guess I will wait until I am selected and then report to the court officer.

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