
Does Anyone With ASD Have Major Sleep Priblems! My Sleep Is atrocious and ive had lots of medication from my GP but nothing helps. Started doing sleep diarys to compress my sleep but still struggle. Doesnt help the environment im in i.e flat with dogs barking continuously, tvs loud, banging noises all of which irritate the life out of me!!!!! Ive also tried a snooze band with calming music, pillow sprays, weighted blankets, loop earplugs but nothing seems to be helping. It effects my mood massively and feel fatigued constantly. Anyone else relate and have any other options i just find it so hard to relax, always have to be on the go! Thanks! 

  • In my experience and from helping other autistics, if you've been given SSRIs or anti depressants or anything which further lowers GABA, it will make it worse as this is the gut-brain axis which also helps regulate sleep, aids filtering external stimuli and calm excited out-of-control and looping thoughts. I take a mushroom based nootropics supplement daily with Lions Mane and Reishi. Always recommend a healthy dose of mushrooms to boost this.

  • Im only on Sertraline 100mg but i have been on endless amounts of  medication to help me in the past. So now i just take this im not even sure if this works but i know it absolutely destroys me trying to come off when GP trys to change it. 

  • No this is not correct. SSRIs do not lower gaba at all. They increase serotonin (another inhibitory transmitter similar to GABA). Serotonin and gaba work together to boost each others effects. Serotonergic antidepressants do inadvertently actually increase gaba. But they don’t do this very significantly. Whilst SSRIs may make you more confident. They do not cure anxiety as serotonin could be seen as a weaker longer acting version of gaba. GABAs effects are more immediate and powerful as it is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter. Never the less I don’t recommend you stop the SSRI especially if you feel worse coming off. That is a sign that it does do something. Have you ever tried vitamin B6 it increases serotonin and GABA? It is the main building block of gaba in fact. I take B6 everyday and it makes me drowsy and very relaxed. But it does take a few months to get full effects for me anyway. But having said that if you want to try B6 obviously speak with your doctor if you feel there is some concern with it. But yeh compared to addictive drugs like alcohol or benzos I’d definitely say B6 is safer when used appropriately. Hope this helps.

  • No this is not correct. SSRIs do not lower gaba at all. They increase serotonin (another inhibitory transmitter similar to GABA). Serotonin and gaba work together to boost each others effects. Serotonergic antidepressants do inadvertently actually increase gaba. But they don’t do this very significantly. Whilst SSRIs may make you more confident. They do not cure anxiety as serotonin could be seen as a weaker longer acting version of gaba. GABAs effects are more immediate and powerful as it is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter. Never the less I don’t recommend you stop the SSRI especially if you feel worse coming off. That is a sign that it does do something. Have you ever tried vitamin B6 it increases serotonin and GABA? It is the main building block of gaba in fact. I take B6 everyday and it makes me drowsy and very relaxed. But it does take a few months to get full effects for me anyway. But having said that if you want to try B6 obviously speak with your doctor if you feel there is some concern with it. But yeh compared to addictive drugs like alcohol or benzos I’d definitely say B6 is safer when used appropriately. Hope this helps.

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