
Does Anyone With ASD Have Major Sleep Priblems! My Sleep Is atrocious and ive had lots of medication from my GP but nothing helps. Started doing sleep diarys to compress my sleep but still struggle. Doesnt help the environment im in i.e flat with dogs barking continuously, tvs loud, banging noises all of which irritate the life out of me!!!!! Ive also tried a snooze band with calming music, pillow sprays, weighted blankets, loop earplugs but nothing seems to be helping. It effects my mood massively and feel fatigued constantly. Anyone else relate and have any other options i just find it so hard to relax, always have to be on the go! Thanks! 

  • I struggle with sleep too! Most nights I'm lucky if I get five hours sleep, and out of that I'll be up every hour, so I rarely get two hours of consecutive sleep. Any little noise or difference makes it very hard for me to 'drift off'. I bought a basic snoozeband and now listen to my hypnotherapy tracks through that, but if I do fall asleep during those 30 mins I generally wake up again before the end. I have lots of rain/storm/ocean sounds saved on YouTube, I find the ones that run for 8+ hours and have no mid play adverts, and dark screens. Weighted blankets don't work for me, I get too warm at night so prefer lighter layers I can chuck off as needed. The morning fatigue is dreadful, it's so demoralising to wake up each morning feeling like you've been steamrollered and have to go through the day when all you want to do is sleep

  • I struggle with sleep too! Most nights I'm lucky if I get five hours sleep, and out of that I'll be up every hour, so I rarely get two hours of consecutive sleep. Any little noise or difference makes it very hard for me to 'drift off'. I bought a basic snoozeband and now listen to my hypnotherapy tracks through that, but if I do fall asleep during those 30 mins I generally wake up again before the end. I have lots of rain/storm/ocean sounds saved on YouTube, I find the ones that run for 8+ hours and have no mid play adverts, and dark screens. Weighted blankets don't work for me, I get too warm at night so prefer lighter layers I can chuck off as needed. The morning fatigue is dreadful, it's so demoralising to wake up each morning feeling like you've been steamrollered and have to go through the day when all you want to do is sleep
