
Dear All,

Just wanted to share I have found above really helpful and would urge all to get as much of the above if possible.What has helped me is-


Talk Therapy


Support groups,


This one has really opened my mind it is helping me understand that my anxiety causes the checking compulsion with my OCD ,and when I give in it is only a temporary fix for the anxiety.Such as when I lave somewhere in the car I have been known to stop 3 or 4 times sometimes to check the boot that I have packed everything.The advice I have been given is to talk it through in my head  as me 1 saying to me 2 calmly yes your advice is helpful I think though all is ok thanks for your help though and etc etc .The trick is not be dismissive or rude to the anxiety voice.

Does it work do not know have not had a checking compassion for the last few days!

Equally typical me being a flawed human being if someone else is over checking I can be impatient and dismissive and say why are you doing that you have everything etc!Equally I also can be their second voice reassuring and helping.It is all interesting stuff please anyone let me know how therapy is going for you