Does not compute

As the saying goes. Trying to get my head around   the contradiction between being told I belong and am wanted here  and the  heavy, and often very condescending ,criticism that's currently being directed at me.

  • Also something else occurred to me whilst I was walking the dog.

    We are not one amorphous blob of people. It's not you and then everyone else. Everyone else are also individual people. I know that this is obvious, but the way you write implies that if someone has written something then you feel that we all have written it.

  • Also something else occurred to me whilst I was walking the dog.

    We are not one amorphous blob of people. It's not you and then everyone else. Everyone else are also individual people. I know that this is obvious, but the way you write implies that if someone has written something then you feel that we all have written it.

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