I have a date (argh)

Yeah. So he's 19 and I'm 21 (although I'm closer to 22, and he's just turned 19). Does anyone have any concept on whether that's socially acceptable because I have 0 clue when it comes to these unwritten rules. Will my family, friends, colleagues perceive it to be weird is what I want to know. I'm working as a nurse and he is still at uni.

Thank youuuu

  • The age difference is nothing to worry about - the neurodivergent vs neurotypical issue is where you are likely to have to work harder than most though.

    I would tell him that you are not sure of the social expectations so ask for more tolerance than he may normally give in your interactions.

    I would tell him you are neurodivergent rather than autistic as autism tends to have a lot of negative associations with those unfamiliar with it. You can expand on this later but don't let the conversation become all about that - it is a bit of a stimulation killer when you focus on what is typically your issues.

    I would focus much more on what you have in common, or if you are really feeling the energy between you then the more intimate aspects. It all depends on what you are looking for I guess.

    There is one book that I think would help you understand more about what to expect and how to cope:

    Love, Partnership, or Singleton on the Autism Spectrum - Luke Beardon (2017)
    eISBN 9781784504847

    Starting the meeting talking about positives is always a good thing - try to find out what interests you share in music, TV/film, travel, pets, games, food etc. Once this builds more of a connection then consider sharing more about your autism.

    That would be my approach.

    Good luck

  • Age is just a number in all honesty, if you connect, congratulations, if you don't, hey, you tried and it just didn't happen.

    Have a nice date regardless.

    Mind you, I still HAVEN'T gotten over the shock when a girl I dated told me that she only dates older men, she was 19 and I was 23 at the time, I didn't realise I'd lost my "youth" already...lol

  • Good luck Fingers crossed. When I met my second proper girlfriend (of six years), I was 21 and she was 18.

  • Thank you Mark. Probably a daft question but nobody tells us these things Slight smile

  • I've asked the wrong website maybe Joy