Are there any unwealthy autistic persons here?

By that I mean those receiving universal credit/ESA or pension credit(if old enough). Those who live in social housing, and aren't well off enough to be home owners.

  • The only thing we are guaranteed to have in common is identification with autism. It's good to see the diversity of opinions and lifestyles. I personally try to reach out over differences to try and find things in common. (This is what I want NTs to do with us)

    I would say that I am lucky, but not wealthy. I started off in a very poor working class area of the North West. My situation has improved since then. My mental health has got a lot worse since then,

  • Compared to many I had a privileged upbringing. Though nowhere near Bullingdon level.My mental health isn't A1, but it's better than it's been for a very long time.My physical health,on the other hand, has gone in the opposite direction

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