Are there any unwealthy autistic persons here?

By that I mean those receiving universal credit/ESA or pension credit(if old enough). Those who live in social housing, and aren't well off enough to be home owners.

  • I've been both well off (ish) and poor. I've had my time on universal credit. twice actually. The first time was awfull. The second just really tough. I had an fairly privalidged upbringing financially speaking. Nothing crazy, I wasn't flown around the world by my parents or anything crazy like that. I'm no trust fund baby. But our family was wealthy enough for them to help me through uni and buy me a second hand car when I turned 18. As a junior scientist my sallary is around the upper end of a fast food places general managers salery. But my work has basicly no financial security with short fixed term contracts of 2-4 years. My curent job was a 6 month contract and it was extended twice to 12 month now.

  • I've been both well off (ish) and poor. I've had my time on universal credit. twice actually. The first time was awfull. The second just really tough. I had an fairly privalidged upbringing financially speaking. Nothing crazy, I wasn't flown around the world by my parents or anything crazy like that. I'm no trust fund baby. But our family was wealthy enough for them to help me through uni and buy me a second hand car when I turned 18. As a junior scientist my sallary is around the upper end of a fast food places general managers salery. But my work has basicly no financial security with short fixed term contracts of 2-4 years. My curent job was a 6 month contract and it was extended twice to 12 month now.

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