Anyone got advice. Friends brother had asd assessment come back as he is not autistic. But it seems unfair.

So asd would explain so much of how my friends brother is as a person and how he experiences life. So he went through the wait for the assessment. Which many will know is a stressful time. But like many of us he wanted the knowledge to be able to understand. 

The assessor said he is not autistic but his reasoning seems unfair. For example when asked about special interests he said birds.  But the assessor said they like birds too so it not really a special interest.  But he doesn't just like birds, he is fascinated by them and spends so much time learning about them. And drawing them. He even has birds that follow him if he leaves the house because the birds know he takes food for them everywhere he goes.

I'm not a asd assessor and don't have the training to diagnose it.  But autism would fit this person so well. And it seems unfair that the whole diagnosis he got was based on such a small part of autism which the assessor seemed to not understand at all.

Has anyone got any advise or knows if there is a way to appeal or get a second opinion in such cases without him having to self fund. He lives in Scotland if that changes anything.

Sorry if I've not quite explained that right, I hope it makes sense.

  • I was also rejected as autistic but told I have ADHD. I think professioanals seem to be reluctant to diagnose people they see as marginal. I 'failed' on not having a strict routine, having non verbal comms like hand jestuers and shrugging my shoulbers, plus not have a monotone voice. I could not be bothered to fight it so am going private soon. 

    My appointments were first one on teams for one house then I went in person for a two hour one. that was just with one 'doctor'. The whole system is screwed up and there is no consistiancey about how we are diagnosed.

  • I was also rejected as autistic but told I have ADHD. I think professioanals seem to be reluctant to diagnose people they see as marginal. I 'failed' on not having a strict routine, having non verbal comms like hand jestuers and shrugging my shoulbers, plus not have a monotone voice. I could not be bothered to fight it so am going private soon. 

    My appointments were first one on teams for one house then I went in person for a two hour one. that was just with one 'doctor'. The whole system is screwed up and there is no consistiancey about how we are diagnosed.

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