Spiritual healing

Hi last night I went to a healing circle and it was very spiritual there were healing candles and crystals with relaxing music. The people were lovely and then we started to meditate and the healer started talking she said that above our heads was a warm bright light and I could feel it then it was like I was in the beautiful garden sitting on a bench with my mum who passed away was sitting next to me but she was in full health and there was no talking but she was holding my hand. Then after that more healers got up and just touched us on the shoulder for a few minutes and my anxieties and fears just melted away. I have never experienced something so beautiful in my whole life I got home and I felt so calm the calmest I’ve felt in a long time then I went to bed early and just slept till gone 11 this morning I had the most peaceful night sleep ever. Has anyone else experienced spiritual healing if so please share your thoughts and if not I would highly recommend it. 

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