Network for autistic professionals?


  1. I've recently been diagnosed as autistic and am looking for a network of autistic professionals who come together to talk about working as autistic people and share challenges and advice to help each other.

Does anyone know if something like this exists?

  • I dont know of anything like this that exists but I think it would be an extremely good idea. A lot of us struggle with some of the requirements that the NT world puts on us in jobs that we actually have a great deal of ability and gifts in. 

    I think conversely companies miss out on a lot of talent because they dont make the workplace adjustable for us 

    An organisation like this where we could share ideas and advocate for each other would be great 

  • I dont know of anything like this that exists but I think it would be an extremely good idea. A lot of us struggle with some of the requirements that the NT world puts on us in jobs that we actually have a great deal of ability and gifts in. 

    I think conversely companies miss out on a lot of talent because they dont make the workplace adjustable for us 

    An organisation like this where we could share ideas and advocate for each other would be great 

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