Adult son possible ASD?

Hi feel a bit silly posting here as hes 32 but,all his life hes been told he has moderate learning difficulties,school refusal at the age of 11 as he was unable to cope,we had therapy and home tutoring from Alder Hey Hospital.Any how hes never coped with full spaces and has panic attacks,would rather walk than get a bus. Cant cope with learning or reading but can tell you the make and model of any car just by the shape or registration. Cant keep a relationship they always end , but he has a daughter and all the traits i seen /see in him are showing in her, no concentrating, can only have one friend all or nothing etc.... some one mentioned to me Autism and its all starting to make sense reading about it. What do i do with it? would a doctor listen at the age of 32?

thank you for any replies...just need advice as he struggles with everyday life at the best of times still now.cant hold down a job or relationship.

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