From Burn Out To Back Out and About


I just wanted to post a positive message.Yesterday i had burn out I literally spent most of the day in bed.I realise that it is a privilege for me that I am at a stage in my life where I do not have commitments or financial pressures so if I need a day to dip out I can do it.

Today I woke up and my energy was back.I have been out had a coffee done my errands and have a positive glow.i have also bumped into so many kind people who have allowed me to have small talk with them.In addition I have seen tow beautiful dogs.

in conclusion as Ronan said life is a rollercoaster.I don't do boring but am waiting for a boring best friend said to me yesterday when I was taking about the un kind people I have had to endure lately that he would categorise these people as mediocre.He said I am most certainly not mediocre.i like thinking of the topple that want to bully and not accept as mediocre.

Our community is fantastic .I actually like being autistic it is me .

Thanks for letting me share