How many of us are only children?

I'm an only child. I wondered if anyone find similarities between being an only child and autism?

  • I thought I'd ask as because so many of the problems reported by only children, like difficulties with socialising and needing more time alone are also shared by autists. I wondered if only children were more likely to be autistic or come further along the autistic spectrum without being autistic because of things like prefering your own company?

    But from the replies so far it would seem not.

  • It's still a good question.

    This is how science works. Hypothesis (your post), data (other people's posts), conclusion. 

    In the reverse case, my niece is an only child and she is one of the most well balanced people I know. Totally knows her own emotions. She does have strong interests though - which is where we overlap.

  • It's still a good question.

    This is how science works. Hypothesis (your post), data (other people's posts), conclusion. 

    In the reverse case, my niece is an only child and she is one of the most well balanced people I know. Totally knows her own emotions. She does have strong interests though - which is where we overlap.

  • How true is that..It made me giggle as it is exactly my lived experience. Nothing worse than a board game with no one to play with.

  • I think one often has strong interests as an only child, because there's no one else to play with, theres no one else to compete with, theres no one else to break or nick your stuff and parents are usually quite happy to see a child quietly occupied.

    Why do parents of only children always buy you a load of board games for xmas, birthdays etc, so as you have something to play with when friends come over, but then complain when you say you've nothing to play with by yourself?