Do you like people?

My question for the day.

What are your thoughts on the human race?

  • I don’t like the selfish nature of people, and me very likely included.  I’m not very good at the whole people thing, despite trying. I’ve kind of given up. Either people eventually annoy me, or they get sick of me. It can be crushingly lonely at times. I’d still like to think that one day I might find my person to grow old with. But that’s looking increasingly unlikely. Having one of those rubbish days. 

  • I'm the same Briar.  I'm a very reclusive man and I often lack the energy to do much about it.

  • I've not had a relationship since my wife died in 2005. I've had email contact with quite a few people. The bullying related trauma has me thinking that the more people get to know me the more they'll be likely to reject me.  I then go into avoidant mode.

  • I've not had a relationship since my wife died in 2005. I've had email contact with quite a few people. The bullying related trauma has me thinking that the more people get to know me the more they'll be likely to reject me.  I then go into avoidant mode.
