Cocaine thinking.

I was watching Judge Napolitano  trying to figure out Ukraines latest military strategy, (I am interested because whether I and my family and friends live through the next two months depends on how this war is managed) and suddenly remembered the CONSPIRACY THEORY abut Preseident Zelensky being a regular Cocaine user

In my life I've been given cocaine twice, (once by a doctor during the course of treatment) and it worked fine as an analgesic both physicaly and psychologically but altered my thinking and attitude so strongly that I didn't recognise myself. I lost all sense of caution and vulnerabilty, and saw everything I did in a very positive light indeed, and everyone else looked quite dull by comparison. 

In my opinion, for what it's worth, based on my own personal and not illegal personal experience you really DO NOT want a regular cocaine user running your government!

Thank goodness that's only a conspiracy theory and can be safely ignored.  

Except that I went a step too far and using duck duck go (my preferred search engine) searched for "Government cocaine scandal"..... (A "Scandal" as far as I can see is more real than a "theory") 

We have mandatory random drug testing for tesco forklift drivers, can anyone tell me why we do not have it for anyone who actually makes the big decsions that affect us all?