Tell Me The Opposite

So With me

1- I find councils unkind to me

2- The police have treated me badly

3- My neighbours in my view have discriminated against me in the way they treat me.

I want to hear from people who have found non autistic people are kind and the council and the police are understanding and caring and do not cause trouble.

come on lets hear some support for the above 3  so I can feel a little better

  • Only number 3 is true for me.

  • I still want to know what "council " means. (I'm from the pacific islands.)

    You can also be happy to know that somewhere a police person has saved someone's life today.

  • I believe the closest definition of "Council" in this contest is nearest to your County Council (the elected legislative body for the government of your area).

    In the UK we have usually three layers of this type of parish, district and county level of administrative local government organisation.  They roll up into to regional and national (country) government.

    They are involved in the provision of a wide range of infrastructure and social care services.  They are involved with things like refuse, recycling and sanitation, public (mass) transport, Schools, environmental health, noise abatement, planning control for buildings and a long list of other duties or responsibilities. 

    They officially collect a fee from households to enable the management and control of the necessary municipal budgets.

    There is an involvement in civil defence and communication with e.g. police and fire departments, plus departments who maintain a community's roads.  They will control how land is used in environmentally sensitive areas and deal with lobbying on behalf of residents with utility companies when service has been a problem e.g. flooding through poor sewer maintenance..

    They control some budget items involved with providing social housing for residents in need and some financial assistance to some people in difficult times of their life 

    Sometimes they are also involved in mediation of neighbourhood disputes and management of antisocial behaviour in a neighborhood.

    They can influence promoting economic and tourism activities in a local area.

    With so many competing duties to deliver and restrictive budgetary control, there can be conflicts of different priorities and people holding them to account about topics which matter to their neighbourhood.

    Often their operation of applying fines, permissions, and sanctions in a local area ...may give rise to strongly held views by different people in a community with varying perspectives over topics, rights and fairness.

    There is also the aspect of them being effectively the frontline / visible faces of implementation of local government / civil service legislation (both popular and unpopular).

  • well here is the thing we are a district council which should be called district busy body

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