
Anybody else believe in ghosts? I think there is something, there’s too many sightings and experiences for it all to be nothing. There’s a lot that science still can’t explain, and although science suggests infrasound as a theory for paranormal experiences, it can’t explain things just moving or flying on their own accord. If I can’t source a logical explanation, I say it’s paranormal. 

  • I don't believe in ghosts, and personally have never had a paranormal experience. The closest was when I had sleep paralysis and saw one of these sleep paralysis demons slowly moving towards me and reaching out to touch me (and I couldn't move).

    I'll be honest it was probably the most terrified I've ever been. I was certain I was going to die and it felt like my heart would burst it was beating so fast. However, there is a rational explanation for it. It's not actually a demon or succubus or anything, it's just in the state between sleeping and waking, your eyes might interpret a shadow or your own eyelashes or something as a sudden danger and it takes a while for all the brain processes to kick in.

    One thing that I actually do think there might be something to is near death experiences. There are so many of them and they are so consistent, that there may be something to it. I am not sure if consciousness ends when we die, but I think it's possible that it persists in some form or may be fundamental. I have some fringe beliefs regarding consciousness and the nature of reality, things which are difficult to prove.

  • An uncle has an NDE, he had a heart attack and was unconcious, when he woke he told the hospital staff, all about what had been happening whilst he was unconcious and taking about something that was on top of a tall cupboard, the nurses didn't believe there was anything up there, but when they checked there was the thing he described.

  • this happened to me when I was under surgery. I wandered around looking at all the people with some other souls who were also in surgery. I stopped breathing, apparently and it was a big deal, but it just looked interesting to me/us. I did not want to come back.

  • this happened to me when I was under surgery. I wandered around looking at all the people with some other souls who were also in surgery. I stopped breathing, apparently and it was a big deal, but it just looked interesting to me/us. I did not want to come back.

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