
Anybody else believe in ghosts? I think there is something, there’s too many sightings and experiences for it all to be nothing. There’s a lot that science still can’t explain, and although science suggests infrasound as a theory for paranormal experiences, it can’t explain things just moving or flying on their own accord. If I can’t source a logical explanation, I say it’s paranormal. 

  • Yes I've seen ghosts both of people and places, I always have so for me it's normal. I don't get why so many people "believe in ghosts", and then get really freaked out when they have an encounter with one? Not all are hostile, they're just going about their business.

    I don't believe in the paranormal or supernatural, as I don't believe there can be anything outside of nature or something thats outside normality, thats just an unusual occurrance. There's a lot of stuff that science hasn't "discovered" yet and things it can't explain, unfortunately it often dosen't want to explain certain things and they become Damned Data, a scientific elephant in the room that nobodies allowed to mention.

  • I don't get why so many people "believe in ghosts", and then get really freaked out when they have an encounter with one?

    My thoughts on this is that people now have something tangible that means they can be reached by the dead.

    What about all those horrible people who are now dead? Can they come back and haunt us maliciously?

    Or maybe it is just realising that there is no escape at the end of your days - existance with all its trials and tribulations is truly eternal.

    Any of those would scare the heebijeebies out of me.

  • I don't get why so many people "believe in ghosts", and then get really freaked out when they have an encounter with one?

    My thoughts on this is that people now have something tangible that means they can be reached by the dead.

    What about all those horrible people who are now dead? Can they come back and haunt us maliciously?

    Or maybe it is just realising that there is no escape at the end of your days - existance with all its trials and tribulations is truly eternal.

    Any of those would scare the heebijeebies out of me.

  • I think many ghosts aren't the returning dead, all the famous marching Romans and White Ladies, I think are more a memory of a time and place that repeats.

    I don't think many dead people get to come bsck that strongly, whoever runs these things dosen't seem to let that happen. I have met a few souls that are lost and need guiding towards their destination, most are happy to go, I've also met a few that are not. There are various ways of getting rid of unhappy souls and malicious ones, mostly a requiem mass if you're Christian, other faiths have ther own versions.

    Yes theres no escape at the end of your days in this incarnation, you go elsewhere, sometimes permanently sometimes not. As most people dont remember thier previous incarnations how would you know how many previous lives you've had, or are you amoung the once born, a new sould setting out on its journey?

    I often think that many people prefer the idea of oblivion, just because they don't want to take any responsibility for their actions, I've come across a few really horrible people who think that this life is all there is, so they might as well get on with exploiting others, abusing them and climbing to the top of whatever greasy pole is in front of them. It rarely occurs to them that if this is all there is, then why not be kind, why not be nice, why not help people and make thier time here shared with others a good thing, rather than a selfish and nasty one?