
Anybody else believe in ghosts? I think there is something, there’s too many sightings and experiences for it all to be nothing. There’s a lot that science still can’t explain, and although science suggests infrasound as a theory for paranormal experiences, it can’t explain things just moving or flying on their own accord. If I can’t source a logical explanation, I say it’s paranormal. 

  • I had a lot of experiences when I was younger.

    However, it's not happened much in my later years, which I'm rather relieved about.

    Here's a thread for you to read, if you like:

  • it is a relief to be rid of a pernicious ghost if they show up.  They were very active around me when I was young. poltergeists. As I grew older I found ways to 'seal' my space from them.Twice I moved to get away from them in my 20s. As problematic as the Carlos Castaneda books are, they also helped me to develop ways of managing, directing and establishing relations with some of the more beneficent ghosts.

    I discovered that some are helpers and eager to help, especially when I worked as a faith healer in the sierra Madre La Sur among the first nations people. They saved my life and guided my hands in the work. 

    There are also dead loved ones that come calling if something interesting or highly charged is going on. they guide as well. Some I don't want around and my spoken desire that they depart works. Sometimes they comfort and gently guide when I need a way forward I cannot see.

    Where I live here we have many classes of spirit and ghost, like in Mexico and they are a part of our heritage. Most are site specific. Some are errant - in a good way - and can be called upon for. help and  warning.

  • it is a relief to be rid of a pernicious ghost if they show up.  They were very active around me when I was young. poltergeists. As I grew older I found ways to 'seal' my space from them.Twice I moved to get away from them in my 20s. As problematic as the Carlos Castaneda books are, they also helped me to develop ways of managing, directing and establishing relations with some of the more beneficent ghosts.

    I discovered that some are helpers and eager to help, especially when I worked as a faith healer in the sierra Madre La Sur among the first nations people. They saved my life and guided my hands in the work. 

    There are also dead loved ones that come calling if something interesting or highly charged is going on. they guide as well. Some I don't want around and my spoken desire that they depart works. Sometimes they comfort and gently guide when I need a way forward I cannot see.

    Where I live here we have many classes of spirit and ghost, like in Mexico and they are a part of our heritage. Most are site specific. Some are errant - in a good way - and can be called upon for. help and  warning.

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