
Anybody else believe in ghosts? I think there is something, there’s too many sightings and experiences for it all to be nothing. There’s a lot that science still can’t explain, and although science suggests infrasound as a theory for paranormal experiences, it can’t explain things just moving or flying on their own accord. If I can’t source a logical explanation, I say it’s paranormal. 

  • If I can’t source a logical explanation, I say it’s paranormal. 

    This could be true if there is no cause behind the events that can be explained, but often it is a case of there being an explanation that we cannot pinpoint at the time, so a more accurate description would be "unexplained".

    Science is really good at accepting things that can be proven - there does not have to be a full theory about the why and how behind it, just the ability to reproduce the phenomenon reliably and measure it.

    Once a explanation can be hypothesised, tested and proven then a full adoption of it into the fold of science will be complete and no doubt be exploited commercially in some shape or form.

    In the event that ghosts could be proven to exist - would you want to be one? What would you do with your afterlife if that were the case?

  • If I can’t source a logical explanation, I say it’s paranormal. 

    This could be true if there is no cause behind the events that can be explained, but often it is a case of there being an explanation that we cannot pinpoint at the time, so a more accurate description would be "unexplained".

    Science is really good at accepting things that can be proven - there does not have to be a full theory about the why and how behind it, just the ability to reproduce the phenomenon reliably and measure it.

    Once a explanation can be hypothesised, tested and proven then a full adoption of it into the fold of science will be complete and no doubt be exploited commercially in some shape or form.

    In the event that ghosts could be proven to exist - would you want to be one? What would you do with your afterlife if that were the case?
