How long have you been diagnosed?

I've been diagnosed 24 years now.

Follow up question:

Do you feel that you understand your own Autism?

  • Ive not been diagnosed yet, i'm 55 and only just realized i had the traits about 12 months ago, I've struggled all my life socializing, maintaining eye contact, struggled in job interviews,  I've struggled all my life,  I have put it down depression, alcoholism all sorts,  I stopped drinking for 5 years once but i still all the traits and problems i had before i stopped.  I have used alcohol alot to mix with people and feel so called normal.  I'm still not sure if i should bother the doctor asking for a diagnosis there is no cure for it is there?  

  • I used to be a  heavy drinker but I managed to quit about ten years ago.

    Welcome to the forum.

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