How long have you been diagnosed?

I've been diagnosed 24 years now.

Follow up question:

Do you feel that you understand your own Autism?

  • Since May 2019. It only happened because I moved from Essex to Wiltshire to be near my daughter. I first entertained the possibility there was more going on than SMI a few years after going online in 1996. Voiced my belief to the psych team a few years later. Was ignored. Persisted, and was regarded  as a bad patient. Moved to Wiltshire in Sept 2017. Was assessed and diagnosed with Asperger's 7 months after my  1st psych appointment in Wiltshire.

    I understand my own autism more than how it fits in with other people who are autistic. I have great difficulty identifying with autistic 'personalities' on YouTube, and to a lesser degree autistic persons on X.

  • Wow mate. You probably should have been diagnosed around the same time I was! 

    Good on the county of Wiltshire  for finally handing you your diagnosis.

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