How long have you been diagnosed?

I've been diagnosed 24 years now.

Follow up question:

Do you feel that you understand your own Autism?

Parents Reply Children
  • I found looking menacing useful when I used to walk through tough areas at night.

    I am too physically slight to actually be menacing but I can certainly use *the look* when I need to.

  • Agree also my issue is I have let my weight creep up need to work on that and can look scruffy.

    When I put a suit on topple can not believe how smart I look.

    I have been told you are scruffy ho would employ you no wonder you are single who would have you you have no friends my voice has been mocked.

    Oh and these comments are from someone that has accused ,me of harassment lovely world eh

  • I've been told similar in the past re looking menacing. Also that being 'big' adds to that. The reality? I was above averagely tall as a teen/young adult but I'm now of average height. I  think that those who are neurotypical can be just as inept at reading our facial expressions etc, as we can be with theirs.  It's not something the average neurotypical,including (mental) health professionals , is going to readily admit to though.

  • you are so true they are unking i get comments like can't you tone it down it does not matter etc.I have even been told my facial expression which is typical autism is menacing !