I want to Be Boring Again

Dear All,

All my life i would say  above applies.I have some good friends although only one now.I like going for a coffee reading watching tv and my special interests.

I am kind and compassionate.Yet I move to the South West and I have had so much bother and been made out to be some low life criminal.

How can i stop non autistic and non mentally ill people making out what I am not and not allowing me to be boring yet eccentric.

Help Please

your thoughts 

Parents Reply Children
  • Well when life was good I could get up chill out have leisurely breakfast go out for coffee walk.Maybe have a job enjoy tv etc.Now because of my worst nightmare coming to fruition of bullying of me court x 2 for criminal and council.I promise I have done nothing wrong.

    Re PM I prefer just doping chat like this it is not personal do not pm anyone yet maybe in future