Best Stim Toy recommendations

Having a dog here has done wonders for the back of my fingers, which are normally peeling due to my constant picking.

I would like to see if I can preserve them and divert the action to a stim toy instead.

Do people have recommendations? There are so many. Ideally it would be something that didn't make a noise, or much of a noise.

Thanks! Blush

  • Are you wanting a stim toy that specifically helps with finger picking? 

    If so, I’m not sure I know one but I bite my nails and my current fav fidget has helped with that:


    I just spin it while it’s on my finger and it doesn’t make any noticeable noise. But based on the pictures I think you’re ‘supposed’ to make different shapes with it?

    I’ve got a collection of fidgets though so I could probably sugest something better depending on what you like (hard, soft, rubber, stretchy, spins, etc)

    If you like petting the dog, you could also try a mini stuffed toy or a fluffy keychain attachment thing?

  • Are you wanting a stim toy that specifically helps with finger picking? 

    If so, I’m not sure I know one but I bite my nails and my current fav fidget has helped with that:


    I just spin it while it’s on my finger and it doesn’t make any noticeable noise. But based on the pictures I think you’re ‘supposed’ to make different shapes with it?

    I’ve got a collection of fidgets though so I could probably sugest something better depending on what you like (hard, soft, rubber, stretchy, spins, etc)

    If you like petting the dog, you could also try a mini stuffed toy or a fluffy keychain attachment thing?
